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Muncie , Indiana 47304


The Team


Meet our team of highly skilled builders,
we are here to help you



Michael Webster
President + Owner

 Michael has 49 years of experience in commercial and residential construction. He has owned Ryne-Wood Builders, Inc. for over 40 years. Mike is a 1974 graduate of Ball State University with a degree in business administration.



Ryan Webster
Vice President + Project Manager

Ryan has 25 years of experience in commercial and residential construction. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Anderson University.


Brett Webster
Secretary + Treasurer + Project Manager

Brett has 23 years of experience in commercial and residential construction. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in graphic design from Ball State University.


Michael Barnes
Sales Executive

 Michael has 30 years of experience in commercial and residential construction, design work and sales. He was an owner/operator of Kirby-Wood Lumber Company in Muncie for 26 years. Mike earned his degree from Arizona State University.